Scotch and Illyrian thistles, Onopordum
(Blue thistle,
cotton thistle, heraldic thistle and woolly thistle)
thistles were probably introduced from Europe in the early 1800s
as ornamental plants. By 1850, Scotch thistle was recorded as a
weed in Victoria and today both species are serious pasture weeds
in South Eastern Australia. The plants form dense stands, smothering
desirable vegetation with their rosette leaves, thus reducing pasture
stocking rates. Plants may produce up to 20,000 seeds, a proportion
of which become incorporated in a long-lived soil seed bank and
remain viable for more than twenty years.
A fifteen year
project on these thistles resulted in the release and redistribution
of a seed-head weevil, Larinus latus (1992), a stem-boring
weevil, Lixus cardui (1993), a crown weevil, Trichosirocalus
briesei, (1997) and a petiole moth, Eublemma amoena (1998).
The seed and stem-boring weevils are now widespread and together
have reduced seed rain at several sites in NSW by more than 90%.
A crown fly,
Botanophila spinosa, and the seed gall-fly, Urophora terebrans,
were released in 2000 but have not yet established and further releases
are planned. Both the moth and the crown weevil are expected to
contribute damage and have been included in the national redistribution
by: Australian Wool Innovation, Meat and Livestock Australia,
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management