Mediterranean Snails
white and conical snails are important introduced pests of cereals,
legumes, pastures and vineyards in southern Australia.
They can clog
farm machinery, contaminate harvests (grain can be rejected), feed
on seedlings and pasture and can be hosts for human diseases.
are effective but expensive so CSIRO identified potential biocontrol
agents in the native range of the snails (western Mediterranean).
Several were imported into quarantine in Australia but most were
unacceptable as they also attacked other species. Eventually they
identified one parasitic fly, Sarcophaga penicillata for
the snail, Cochlicella acuta.
AQIS approved
its release in 2000 and releases have been made on York Peninsula
by the South Australian Research and Development Institute. Its
field performance is now being evaluated.
by: Australian Wool Innovation, South Australian Research and
Development Institute, Grains Research and Development Corporation