The list of Thripidae genera included in this system was derived initially from Mirab-balou et al. (2011), but that is supplemented here by corrections and additions. For one genus, Pseudanaphothrips, the record from China requires confirmation; it is based on a single female said to have been collected in Taiwan in 1920. Similarly, the genus Rubiothrips is included, based on specimens of an unidentified species taken recently in Ningxia Province. Moreover, Retithrips is included because this genus is expected to be found in tropical areas of southern China such as Hainan.
In contrast, the lists of species from China included here are not based on personal observations by the authors. Some published species records were based only on comparisons to taxonomic publications, not by direct comparison with securely identified specimens. Such records need further checking against authentically identified specimens. Similarly, synonyms indicated here have not necessarily been checked by the authors but are accepted if available in ThripsWiki (2018).
The illustrations provided here are based on available and suitable specimens of each genus, regardless of whether the actual species photographed is known from China.
Mirab-balou M, Tong XL, Feng JN & Chen XX (2011) Thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) of China. Check List (Journal of Species Lists and Distribution) 7 (6), 720–744.
ThripsWiki (2018) ThripsWiki—providing information on the World's thrips. Available from: (accessed 5.ii.2018)