Thrips and Tospoviruses: This Symposium, officially titled Thrips, Plants, Tospoviruses: the
Millennial Review, was held in The meetings themselves proved very successful, despite some tospovirus workers indicating that they had no interest in thrips, and some thrips workers indicating that they had no interest in viruses. This was not unexpected. But the fact remains that tospoviruses are dependent on thrips for their survival in the field, and thrips are much more important as crop pests when they are vectoring tospoviruses. Moreover, the many biological phenomena involved in the interactions between plants, topoviruses and thrips remain remarkably little understood, in particular the origin (or origins) of their relationships. Indeed, one of the strongest signals coming from the meetings concerned our lack of evolutionary understanding, and thus our inability to predict the past or future trajectory of these relationships. The 59 submitted papers were issued on a cd-rom as a single electronic .pdf file that is fully searchable by computer but can be printed out in colour as a 390-page volume by anyone who would like a hard copy in their library. Copies of this cd-rom are available without charge from:
Contents Section I: THRIPS VECTORS OF TOSPOVIRUSES (all links below to PDF files) So many thrips - so few tospoviruses?
The pest and vector from the
East: Thrips palmi. The pest and vector from the
West: Frankliniella occidentalis. Section II: VECTOR/VIRUS INTERACTIONS The transmission specificity
and efficiency of tospoviruses. The route of TSWV inside
the thrips body in relation to transmission efficiency. Impeded transmission
of defective isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus by Frankliniella
occidentalis. Intraspecific variation
in transmission of TSWV by Frankliniella occidentalis result from
distinct virus accumulation. Accumulation and transmission
of TSWV at larval and adult stages in six thrips species: distinct patterns
between Frankliniella and Thrips. Section III: ASPECTS OF VECTOR EFFICIENCY Thrips tabaci:
an ambiguous vector of TSWV in perspective. The vector capability
of Thrips tabaci. Efficiency of north
western Italian thrips populations in transmitting tospoviruses. Aspects of vector
thrips biology and epidemiology of tospoviruses in Australia. Section IV: TOSPOVIRUS CHARACTERIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Transmission of Iris
Yellow Spot Tospovirus. Characterization
of Tomato chlorotic spot virus from hydroponic grown lettuce in Brazil.
Resistance to tospoviruses
in pepper. Management of TSWV on
tomatoes with UV-reflective mulch and acibenzolar-S-methyl. N – N and N –
RNA Interactions in TSWV. Section V: THRIPS ECOLOGY Ecology of thrips. Predation of Frankliniella
occidentalis by Orius insidiosus on plant hosts serving as
sources of populations infesting fruit orchards. Interspecific variation
in behavior and its role in thrips ecology. Influence of parasitism
by Thripinema fuscum on dynamics of local populations of Frankliniella
fusca. Recent advances in
the nutritional ecology of Thysanoptera, or the lack thereof. Section VI: THRIPS HOST PLANT RELATIONSHIPS Thrips: the primeval pollinators?
Sex-biased herbivory
in Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) by a specialist thrips
(Heterothrips arisaemae). Western flower thrips
feeding on pollen, and its implications for control. Preference and performance
of western flower thrips. Effects of plant volatiles
on the feeding and oviposition of Thrips tabaci. Thrips responses
to plant odours. Growth damage and silvery
damage in chrysanthemum caused by Frankliniella occidentalis is
related to leaf food quality. Section VII: CONTROL STRATEGIES A push-pull strategy
for improving biological control of western flower thrips on chrysanthemums.
Monitoring Pezothrips
kellyanus on citrus in eastern Sicily. Thrips tabaci
as a pest of leek cultivated in different conditions. Reducing spread of
TSWV on ornamental plants by biological control of western flower thrips.
Preliminary investigation
on damage by Frankliniella intonsa to cotton in the Cukurova region
of Turkey. Determining the favourable
sampling time for Frankliniella intonsa on cotton. Developing methods for
testing the resistance of white cabbage against Thrips tabaci.
Establishing a weed host
ranking for thrips vectors of tospovirus in La Plata horticultural belt
of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thrips control on
protected sweet pepper crops: enhancement by means of Orius laevigatus
releases. Section VIII - THRIPS BEHAVIOUR The biology of thrips is not
the biology of their adults: a developmental view. Diurnal activity of
New Zealand flower thrips on stonefruit in spring and at harvest. Ectoparasitism in thrips
and its significance for tospovirus evolution. Chemical defence in
thrips. Thrips as architects:
modes of domicile construction in arid Australia. Section IX - THRIPS FAUNISTICS Impact of an introduced pest
thrips on the indigenous natural history and agricultural systems of southern
Italy. Thysanoptera diversity:
survey of the species occurring at Parque Estadual de Itapu�, Viam�o,
RS, Brazil. Hoplothrips carpathicus
Pelik�n in Norway. Temporal and spatial dynamics
of thrips populations in mountainous meadows. The dynamics of the sex ratio
index of thrips populations in mountainous meadows. The Thysanoptera Fauna of
Brazil. On the occurrence
of Thysanoptera in Poland. Thrips from coloured
water traps in Serbian wheat fields. Thrips in Slovenia. Eight species of Thysanoptera
newly recorded from Italy. Occurrence of glasshouse
Thysanoptera in the open in the Netherlands. Section X: THRIPS TAXONOMY Identification of thrips
using ITS-RFLP analysis. Genetic variation within
and among populations of Aeolothrips intermedius. Molecular polymorphism
among populations of Frankliniella intonsa. Variation of Thrips
tabaci in colour and size. The Thrips and Frankliniella
genus-groups: the phylogenetic significance of ctenidia.