are a diverse group of animals and are not well studied in Australia
and of the 15 orders of millipedes in the world only 9 have been
recorded in Australia. Millipede means 'thousand feet' but they
do not really have this many, although most have over 30 pairs of
legs and some are known to have about 350 pairs. Millipedes can
be distinguished from other invertebrates by the following characters:

Paradoxomatidae species
- 2 pairs
of legs per body segment, although some juveniles may posses only
1 pair per segment
- Simple eyes
if present, although many have no eyes
Although it
looks like millipedes have 2 pair of legs on each segment, closer
examination shows that each body segment is actually 2 segments
fused together. Millipedes are timid invertebrates and unlike centipedes,
do not have poisonous claws so to protect themselves and to discourage
predators they roll into a tight spiral and often discharge a foul
smelling, distasteful substance.
The introduced
species Ommatoiulus moreletii (Black Portuguese millipede), often
reaches plague proportions in southern Australia invading houses
and destroying crops. Numbers can be so great in places that the
ground appears a wriggling mass of black millipedes.
Life Cycle
Most male
millipedes have specially designed mating legs on their seventh
body segment, which they use to transfer sperm to the female genital
opening. The female then lays her eggs in the soil, under logs or
among leaf litter depending on the species. The newly hatched young
have 3 to 4 pairs of legs depending on the species. Body segments
and legs are added with successive moults
as they grow until the adult size is attained.
moreleti (JULIDAE)
are herbivores
and scavengers, feeding primarily on decaying plant material and
animal matter.
Most millipedes
are found in cool, moist environments and many species are common
under rocks and logs, in leaf litter and soil and under the bark
of trees.
The black Portuguese
millipede Ommatoiulus moreleti, is an introduced species
which has rapidly gained a reputation for being a nuisance pest
in most areas where it occurs.
This species
often reaches plague numbers especially in southern Australia. In
these instances it often invades houses and other dwellings where
it contaminates food and infests carpet and bedding. It may also
destroy fruit and vegetable crops.
Like other species
of Julid millipedes the black Portuguese millipede discharges a
yellowish liquid when disturbed to discourage predators. Although
not dangerous to humans this fluid can stain skin and material.