Anatomical Atlas of Flies

"Anatomical Atlas of Flies" is available again at this URL:
"The Anatomical Atlas of Drosophila melanogaster", a different project, is available at this URL:
History of the Atlas The Anatomical Atlas of Flies was an interactive and educational tool developed in the early 2000s using Macromedia Flash. It relied on the Flash browser plug-in in order to work over the internet. Since that time a lot has changed.
Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. Adobe continued to support the Flash plug-in and ActionScript, the programming language used to develop the Atlas, for many years. Then in 2010 Apple started to remove the plug-in from its mobile devices. Gradually the plug-in lost more and more favour with developers and in 2017 Adobe announced it would be withdrawing all support for Flash on 31st December 2020.
In 2023 we converted the Atlas to HTML and javascript.
Production Team
Anne Hastings, David Yeates and Joanna Hamilton (CSIRO Entomology).
The 'Atlas' was made with Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop and a high resolution digital camera mounted on a stereo microscope. The Anatomical Atlas is a collaboration between CSIRO and ABRS. It is part of an ABRS-funded identification key to fly families of Australia and US NSF-funded research into the evolutionary history of flies.
Authors Yeates D. K., Hastings A., Hamilton J. R., Colless D. H., Lambkin C. L. (CSIRO Entomology); Bickel D., and McAlpine D. K., (Australian Museum); Schneider M. A., and Daniels G. (University of Queensland); Cranston P.(University of California Davis, USA).
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